[TRUZ] #TRUZ_V_sticker EVENT
(*English Below)
TREASURE V Live에 내 스티커가 나온다면 정말좋겠네~📺🎶
🎙#TRUZ_V_Sticker 이벤트 시작합니다!!
12개의 트루즈 스티커를 업로드한 후
#TRUZ_V_Sticker 를 태그 해주세요
당선작은 트루즈의 V Live의 공식 스티커로 출시 됩니다🤩
⚠️참가방법에 관한 자세한 가이드와 조항을 꼭 확인해주세요⚠️
📌 접수 기간: 2021. 05.17 ~ 2021. 05.26
📌 접수 방법 및 파일 형식:
1. 캐릭터별 스티커를 그려(총 12개) 자신의 계정에 업로드 한 후 #TRUZ_V_Sticker 를 태그 해 주세요
2.740 x 640 px의 사이즈로 그려주세요.
3. 배경없는 PNG 파일을 권장드립니다.
4. 추후 스티커 출시를 위해 당선작에 대한 원본 제출을 요청할 수 있습니다.
📌 주의 사항
당첨시 VLIVE 및 네이버 서비스에서 응모작 스티커를 무료 사용하는것에 동의하시는 경우에만 응모해주세요!
이벤트 참여 시 응모작 활용에 동의한 것으로 간주됩니다.
응모작과 관련한 문제(표절, 명예훼손 등)가 발생할 경우 일체의 법적 책임은 응모자에게 있습니다.
불법적이거나 부적절한 응모작은 삭제될 수 있습니다.
(응모작의 내용이 불법적인 내용[스타 등에 대한 명예훼손, 모욕적 내용, 음란/외설적 내용]인 경우에는 응모에서 제외되는 것은 물론 관련 법에 따라 민형사상 책임을 질 수 있습니다.)
TREASURE V Live… with YOUR sticker📺🎶
🎙 #TRUZ_V_Sticker Event!
Upload 12 #TRUZ stickers and tag #TRUZ_V_Sticker
Two selected works will be released as an OFFICIAL TRUZ V Live stickers🤩
⚠️ Please check the below to read the detailed guide for submission & terms of service⚠️
📌 Submission date: 2021.05.17 ~ 2021.05.26
📌 How to submit, File formats
1. Upload a picture of your stickers (of each character, 12 total) on your account, and tag #TRUZ_V_Sticker
2. please make sure your file is 740 x 640 pixels
3. We highly recommend the sticker to be in PNG format with transparent background.
4. We may ask for the original files(PSD, AI) of the selected works for release purpose
📌Terms of Service
Please submit your work ONLY if you agree to the free usage of your creations in V LIVE and other NAVER platforms.
Your agreement with free use of your sticker is automatically assumed once your work is submitted.
LINE FRIENDS is not responsible for any possible legal complications(copyright, defamation of character) regarding the creation, and all liability is on the creator. Inappropriate submissions(defamation, harassment, bullying, profanity) will automatically be disqualified and may call for legal actions)
[New Product] BT21 BABY Flat Fur Series US Launch In-Stores and Online
Sold out immediately on first day of release in Korea.
The ever so popular and hit collection,
BT21 BABY Flat Fur Series
has finally made its way to the US.
Super cute and irresistibly soft.
Come meet the adorable collection
that will melt hearts left and right!
BT21 BABY Flat Fur Series drops
Friday, December 6
in LINE FRIENDS US Stores and Online Store!
1) LINE FRIENDS US Online Store
- December 6, 2019 (Friday), 11AM (PST)
- Store URL:
2) LINE FRIENDS LA Flagship Store
- December 6, 2019 (Friday)
- Store Hours: 11AM – 9PM (PST)
- Location: 6922 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90028
- LINE FRIENDS Store Hollywood LA Map: View Map
3) LINE FRIENDS NY Flagship Store
- December 6, 2019 (Friday)
- Store Hours: 10AM – 12AM (EST)
- Location: 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
- LINE FRIENDS Store Times Square NY Map: View Map
- Show you’re following our US Official Instagram
@linefriends_us to get an exclusive BT21 BABY photo card!
- December 6-10 or while supplies last
- No purchase necessary
- Offer valid in LINE FRIENDS Stores in LA and NY only
For updates, follow LINE FRIENDS US Official Instagram!
Thank you,
[Store Notice] Announcement on BT21 | ASSC Exclusive Launch in US Stores and ASSC Online
Self doubt, meet self love.
Thank you for your love and support of BT21 and LINE FRIENDS.
We are excited to announce our latest collaboration line up.
BT21 returns for another
collaboration with influential street wear label, ANTI SOCIAL SOCIAL CLUB.
This exclusive drop features a collection of street wear staples, heavy with
original BT21 graphic prints specially created for this occasion.
Mark your calendars - you don’t want to miss out on this exclusive release, dropping
for the first time ever in stores and online!
- Launch Date: December 12, 2019 (Thursday)
- Launch Time: 11:00 AM (PST)
- Store Hours: 11AM – 9PM (PST)
- Location: 6922 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90028
- Map: LINE
FRIENDS Hollywood LA Store View Map
* LA exclusive hoodie in colors Pink, Black will be available on 12/12 only
- Launch Date: December 12, 2019
- Launch Time: 10:00 AM (EST)
- Store Hours: 10AM – 12AM (EST)
- Location: 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
- Map: LINE
FRIENDS Times Square NY Store View Map
* NY exclusive design hoodie in colors White, Black will be available on 12/12
[Terms & Conditions]
- Available in limited quantities, may sell out early during store operation
- First-come, first-served basis while supplies last
- Limit 3 quantity per person
- 300 pieces available in each store (300 qty LA, 300 qty NY) in sizes XS, S,
- Launch event and admission policy subject to change without prior notice
- Launch Date: December 14, 2019 (Saturday)
- Launch Time: 8:00 AM (PST)
- Store URL:
* BT21 | ASSC exclusive product lineup will be available while supplies
Follow LINE FRIENDS US Official Instagram for updates and more information!
We can’t wait to see you in Times Square and Hollywood!
Thank you.

We’re finally online!
[Store Notice] Announcement on LINE FRIENDS Amazon Europe Global Online Store Opening
[Store Notice] Announcement on BRAWL STARS X LINE FRIENDS Amazon UK Online Store Opening
2020 Summer Sale Notice (7/17 - 8/2)

2020 BROWN DAY Promotion Notice

[Event Notice] ITZY X LINEFRIENDS Drawing Challenge
ITZY's Lifelong friend– made by MIDZY✨
Draw whichever character you like!
Make them smile, draw them in a certain pose, have them wear something unique.
Your tools or quality doesn’t matter!
Just draw what you want, MIDZY!💕
For more about the event :
- Instagram :
- Twitter :
<How to participate>
- Share the drawing of ITZY’s character by adding your idea of special colors, shapes, or items.
- Upload the drawing on your Instagram or Twitter account with hashtag #Create_withMIDZY.
- All your precious drawings will be edited into a special video!
<Event calendar>
9/11~ 9/17 12:00PM (KST)
- Follow the official account of the Creative Academy (Instagram: @linefriends_academy / Twitter: @lf_academy_).
- Private Instagram accounts cannot participate, as your postings will not be visible.
- Plagiarism or stealing someone else's work is strictly prohibited.
- Your posting and drawing may be appropriated as official social media content. Please make sure you agree to those terms and conditions when you participate.
평생 친구는 어떤 모습일까?🤔
매력 넘치는 반달 웃음?
자신 당당한 포즈?
남들과는 다른 패션 아이템?
곰손이어도 괜찮아요!
MIDZY 그리고 싶은 거 다 그려~💕
지금 이벤트에 참여하고
ITZY의 평생 친구를 직접 그려보세요!
이벤트 확인하기
- 인스타그램 :
- 트위터 :
<참여 방법>
- 컬러, 모양, 아이템 등 ITZY의 캐릭터에 추가하고 싶은 아이디어를 그림으로 그려주세요.
- 그려주신 작품은 #Create_withMIDZY 해시태그와 함께 인스타그램 혹은 트위터에 업로드해주세요.
- 반짝이는 아이디어가 추가된 작품들은 모두 모아 특별한 영상으로 공개될 예정입니다.
<참여 기간>
9/11~9/17 12:00PM (KST)
<선정 기준>
- 크리에이티브 아카데미 계정 (인스타그램: @linefriends_academy / 트위터: @lf_academy_) 을 팔로우 해주세요. - 비공개 계정은 이벤트 참여 확인이 어렵습니다.
- 타인의 게시글 도용 시 이벤트 참여가 어려울 수 있습니다.
- 본 이벤트에 선정된 게시글 및 사진은 당사의 마케팅 활용 목적으로 활용될 수 있습니다.
[New Product] BT21 Winter Action Figure Series Launch

Starbucks X LINE FRIENDS Holiday Collection Launch (Dec 7)
Starbucks X LINE FRIENDS Limited Holiday Collection is coming on December 7th!
The collection will be available to purchase on December 7th at Starbucks stores in the Asia Pacific region:
Korea (Available on online stores only)
Hong Kong (Available on both offline and online stores)
Thailand (Available from December 9th in offline stores)
New Zealand
*Available products or available dates of the collection may differ per store.
Don’t forget to come to LINE FRIENDS official YouTube channel on December 7th to enjoy a magical story that Starbucks and LINE FRIENDS created to bring back the festive feelings of the Holiday season, starring two BROWNs.
Watch the full video here 👉
스타벅스 X 라인프렌즈 한정판 홀리데이 컬렉션이 12월 7일에 찾아옵니다!
해당 컬렉션은 12월 7일 아시아 권역 스타벅스 매장에서 구매하실 수 있습니다.
대한민국 (온라인 스토어에서만 구매 가능)
홍콩 (온라인, 오프라인 스토어 모두 구매 가능)
태국 (12월 9일 오프라인 스토어에서 구매 가능)
*컬렉션 내 구매 가능한 품목 및 공개 일정은 매장 별로 상이할 수 있습니다.
스타벅스와 라인프렌즈의 만남으로 탄생한 스페셜 애니메이션, Yet Still Merry 도 놓치지 마세요!
크리스마스의 설렘을 다시금 불러일으킬 두 브라운의 마법같은 이야기, 지금 라인프렌즈 공식 유튜브 계정에서 감상하세요.
홀리데이 애니메이션 풀버전 보러가기
홀리데이 컬렉션 보러가기
[TRUZ] Download wallpapers for your PC, Online Class, Video call Background!
(*Korean, Japanese Below)
All of a sudden, We're in a laboratory?
Welcome to the TRUZ laboratory
where we do a study on how to better have fun each day!
Feel free to download TRUZ wallpaper you want
and use them as your PC, online class, video call background!
[TRUZ] PC, 온라인 클래스, 화상회의에서 TRUZ 배경화면을 활용해보세요!
갑자기 분위기 연구실?
어떻게 하면 더 재미있는 하루를 보낼 수 있을지 고민중인
TRUZ 연구실에 온 걸 환영합니다!
원하는 TRUZ의 배경화면을 자유롭게 다운받아
컴퓨터, 온라인 클래스, 화상회의 배경화면으로 활용해보세요!
[TRUZ] PC、オンライン授業、オンライン会議にTRUZの画像をご利用ください!
TRUZ Official Twitter
TRUZ Official Instagram
The first official NFT project OOZ from IPX
[The first official NFT project <OOZ> from IPX (formerly LINE FRIENDS)]
Lately, we’ve been receiving numerous inquiries regarding launch date, methodology,
and authenticity of the OOZ as the official NFT project of IPX’s (formerly LINE FRIENDS).
We sincerely thank everyone for their attention.
OOZ is the first official NFT project directed and operated by IPX (formerly LINE FRIENDS).
Based on the narration of characters in the FRENZ world taking a journey to find their soulmates,
OOZ project pursues the vision of IP 3.0,
where everyone can create, own, and build values for their unique character.
We hope you look forward to the first NFT project that stands for IPX’s vision, the project OOZ.
For more details, please refer to the link below.
OOZ Official Twitter :
OOZ Official Homepage : Coming soon
[IPX(구 라인프렌즈) 최초의 공식 NFT 프로젝트 <OOZ>에 대한 공지]
최근 많은 분들이 IPX(구 라인프렌즈)의 공식 NFT의 진위여부,
출시 시점, 방법 등에 대해 다양한 경로로 문의를 보내주고 계십니다.
이러한 큰 관심에 진심으로 감사의 마음을 전합니다.
OOZ는 IPX (구 라인프렌즈)가 직접 진행하는
최초의 공식 NFT 프로젝트입니다.
FRENZ 세상에서 탄생한 캐릭터들이 좌충우돌하며
진정한 소울메이트를 찾아나간다는 세계관을 바탕으로
누구나 자신만의 특별한 캐릭터를 소유하고
그 캐릭터의 가치를 직접 만들고 누릴 수 있는 IP 3.0의 비전을 추구합니다.
IPX의 새로운 미래비전을 담아 시작하는 최초의 프로젝트 OOZ에 앞으로 많은 관심 부탁드리며
자세한 내용은 아래의 링크를 통해 확인해 주세요.
OOZ 공식 트위터 :
OOZ 공식 홈페이지 : Coming soon
[BT21] #BT21inFashion Challenge Participation Notice
BT21 #BT21inFashion Challenge
SHOOKY and COOKY’s fiery competition gave an unexpected lesson,
As BT21 learned that what really matters in fashion is having fun “together”.
Now it's your turn, UNISTARS!
Time to realize your unique BT21 designs.
One selected design will be made into a real t-shirt and sent to the original designer as a present!
- How To Participate
1. Use the template distributed through our social media to design your very own BT21 t-shirt.
2. Upload the design on Twitter with the hashtags #BT21 and #BT21inFashion. Don't forget to tag BT21’s official Twitter account (@BT21_) as well!
- Event Period
2022.06.09 ~ 2022.06.16 7PM (KST)
Can't wait to see all of your creative designs!
Re-watch BT21 in Fashion:
Check out UTOPIA t-shirts inspired by SHOOKY and COOKY's unique designs :
*Only designs uploaded on Twitter will be considered.
(BT21 Official Twitter:
*We will send a DM to the selected individual via our official Twitter account (@BT21_)
BT21 #BT21inFashion 챌린지 참여 안내
SHOOKY와 COOKY의 불꽃 튀는 디자인 대결을 통해
패션은 함께 할 때 가장 의미 있는 것임을 깨달은 BT21.
이제는 유니스타즈의 차례입니다!
유니스타즈의 열정과 개성이 담긴 디자인을 보여주세요.
1명을 선정하여 실제 티셔츠로 제작 후 선물로 보내드립니다!
- 참여방법
1. 템플릿을 이용해 나만의 BT21 티셔츠 디자인하기
2. 완성된 티셔츠 이미지를 #BT21, #BT21inFashion과 함께 @BT21_ 태그 후 트위터에 업로드하기
- 참여기간
6월 9일 ~ 6월 16일 오후 7시 (KST)
유니스타즈의 많은 참여와 관심 부탁드립니다.
BT21 in Fashion 다시보기:
SHOOKY와 COOKY의 디자인을 통해 탄생한 UTOPIA 제품 보러 가기:
유니스타즈도 함께, WE CAN FASHION!
*디자인 응모는 트위터(Twitter)를 통해서만 진행 된 다는 점 참고 부탁드립니다.
(BT21 공식 트위터:
*당첨자에게는 BT21 공식 트위터 계정(@BT21_)을 통해 개인 DM으로 연락이 갈 예정입니다.
*당첨자에 한해 상품 발송을 위한 개인정보 수집(연락처/주소)이 있을 예정입니다.
NETFLIX I LINE FRIENDS Original Animation Series <BROWN AND FRIENDS> Release Notice
Finally today! The animation series <BROWN AND FRIENDS> with Netflix and IPX has been released in 190 regions all around the world.
<BROWN AND FRIENDS> is a 3D animation, featuring the daily lives of 11 LINE FRIENDS, including BROWN, CONY, SALLY, and CHOCO.
From the story of BROWN and other LINE FRIENDS’ dreams, love, and friendship, to the adventure of SALLY, who dreams to become a great magician, and the first appearance of BOSS’ hidden love!
Check out the new story that you can totally relate and the best friend chemistry of LINE FRIENDS! Start binge-watching right now on Netflix!
📌Go watch the launch video of <BROWN AND FRIENDS>
📌Link to download Netflix
Please check out the following channels for more information about <BROWN AND FRIENDS>, the original animation series of Netflix and IPX. 🙂
[LINE FRIENDS Official Channels]
Instagram :
Twitter :
Facebook :
YouTube :
[Netflix Official Channels]
Instagram :
Twitter :
Facebook :
YouTube :
[Store Notice] For BT21 customers - Announcement regarding product sales in Korea
We would like to inform you that BT21 product sales in Korea will resume temporarily, at LINE FRIENDS Itaewon store and Naver Smart Store (previously Naver Storefarm).
Please refer to the below for further details.
[Store Operation & Entrance Rules]
BT21 products will be available for 10 days, starting from February 19 until February 28.
Doors open every day at 11AM, first come first served.
As you enter the store, you will be given a ticket. BT21 products are available to ticket holders only.
The tickets are needed in order to seperate BT21 and LINE FRIENDS customers so we kindly ask for your understanding.
Please return the tickets to the register at checkout.
[Product Purchase]
We have limited storage space in our store, so products may sell out early during daily operation hours. (Sold out products will be announced on-site)
There is a limit to the number of items you may purchase. Please check details on-site.
LINE FRIENDS Itaewon store operation hours are 11AM-10PM.
※ Store locator :
2. NAVER LINE FRIENDS BT21 Smart Store (previously Naver Storefarm)
[Store Open & Product Release]
There will be a total of 4 releases in consecutive order.
This is to ensure that all of our customers receive BT21 products in a timely manner so we ask for your kind understanding.
Product Release
- 1st Drop : February 19 (Mon) 3PM KST
- 2nd Drop : February 21 (Wed) 3PM KST
- 3rd Drop : February 26 (Mon) 3PM KST
- 4th Drop : February 28 (Wed) 3PM KST
[Product Purchase]
Purchase is limited to 1 item for each product, per account.
Free shipping on orders of 30,000 KRW or more.
Products available at Itaewon Store and Naver Smart Store may differ.
The above guidelines are flexible and subject to change.
In case any changes occur, details will be notified accordingly.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
We are doing our best to introduce a wider selection of products and provide you with the best customer experience possible.
Thank you so much, all BT21 fans!
[Store Notice] For BT21 customers - Announcement regarding product sales in Japan
Dear Customers,
Thank you very much for your interest and love. Today, approximately 10,000 customers visit LINE FRIENDS HARAJUKU STORE simultaneously, which was beyond our expection. We do apologize for the customers who had experienced inconveniences upon your visit.
Based on the police’s advices and customer feedback, some changes had made for the store operation policies. Please kindly refer bellow guidelines :
As distributing purchase tickets on a first-come first-served basis can lead to safety risks for customers such as overnight waiting and others, we will distribute BT21 purchase tickets by lottery as we did today.
- Daily limit : 2,000 people
- Draw start time : 9 a.m. -
- Draw location : Notice will be posted on official Twitter account (@ LINEFRIENDSinfo) at 8 a.m.
Even if you are in line or waiting in front of the store before 9 a.m., you are not eligible for the draw. Only those who are lined up at the designated location beginning at 9 a.m. are eligible for the draw. Please be aware you can not draw BT21 purchase ticket if you arrive later than announced time and number of participants are limited to 2,000 to avoid accidents with the crowd.
Once again, we would like to thank many customers who love LINE FRIENDS and do our best to give our customers a better service and experience.
Thank you.
[Event Notice] TikTok promo event | LINE FRIENDS sticker release
LINE FRIENDS are launching exclusive TikTok stickers for the first time ever!
In celebration, we have prepared a special off-line store event to make your participation even more fun and enjoyable.
Title : TikTok | LINE FRIENDS challenge discount event
Offer : 10% discount on all store purchases (some items excluded)
Terms : Download the LINE FRIENDS sticker from TikTok, record a video, and upload it with the following hashtags to Instagram
Event Area : US, Korea, Mainland China
1. US
Period: October 18 (Fri) ~ October 31 (Thur), 2019
2. Korea
Required hashtags: #LINEFRIENDS #LINEFRIENDS텐션파티
Period: October 18 (Fri) ~ October 31 (Thur), 2019
LINE FRIENDS STORE Myeongdong, Seoul
3. Mainland China
Required hashtags: #LINEFRIENDS #LINEFRIENDS大派对
Period: October 18 (Fri) ~ October 24 (Thur), 2019
LINE FRIENDS STORE Xintiandi, Shanghai
LINE FRIENDS STORE Huaiai road 666, Shanghai
*Please check the operating hours and locations before your visit.
* Promotion note
- Event duration is in local time.
- Some items are excluded from the discount promo.
You can participate multiple times on multiple visits with new videos.
LINE FRIENDS have come to rock the house at TikTok!
Make sure that you join in on the fun and reap the benefits!
Thank you.
[이벤트 공지] TikTok | LINE FRIENDS 챌린지 스토어 할인 이벤트 안내
TikTok에 처음으로 스티커를 출시하게 된 LINE FRIENDS!
고객 여러분께서 더 즐겁게 챌린지에 참여하실 수 있도록
특별한 스토어 이벤트도 함께 준비했습니다.
제목 : TikTok | LINE FRIENDS 챌린지 참여 매장 할인 이벤트
혜택 : 매장에서 상품 구입 시 10% 할인 (일부 품목은 제외)
조건 : TikTok에서 LINE FRIENDS 스티커를 다운 받아 영상을 찍고 본인 인스타그램에 필수 해시태그와 함께 업로드
이벤트 지역 : 한국, 미국, 중국
1. 한국
기간 : 2019년 10월 18일(금) ~ 10월 31일 (목)
매장 :
2. 미국
기간 : 2019년 10월 18일(금) ~ 10월 31일 (목)
매장 :
3. 중국
기간 : 2019년 10월 18일(금) ~ 10월 24일 (목)
매장 :
* 방문 전 매장 운영 시간과 위치를 확인해주세요.
* 프로모션 참고 사항
- 행사 기간은 현지 시간 기준으로 운영됩니다.
- 일부 할인 불가 품목은 이벤트에서 제외됩니다.
- 새로운 영상 업로드 시 여러 번 참여 가능합니다.
TikTok을 접수하러 온
LINE FRIENDS만의 통통 튀는 텐션을
스페셜한 혜택과 함께 즐겨보세요!
【活动通知】 为庆祝“抖音 I LINE FRIENDS 推出合作表情包”店铺优惠活动指南
第一次在抖音推出表情贴纸的LINE FRIENDS!
标题:抖音| LINE FRIENDS挑战优惠活动
条件:在抖音下载LINE FRIENDS表情贴纸后拍摄视频,与必需话题标签一起上传至本人的社交媒体
1. 中国
2. 韩国
3. 美国
* 店铺位置指南
- 访问前请确认位置和营业时间。
* 促销活动参考事项
- 活动期间以当地时间为准。
- 部分无法优惠的商品不纳入活动范围。
- 上传新视频时,可重复多次参加。
一起来乐享亮相抖音的LINE FRIENDS的专属登场派对和优惠福利吧!
Thank you so much for your continued love and support of LINE FRIENDS.
We are excited to announce that our new store, PLAY LINE FRIENDS INSADONG will open doors on Wednesday, October 9 2019, 10:00 AM (KST).
Come join us for a blast!
■ Store Hours & Location
- Opening time: 2019.10.09 Wednesday 10:00 AM KST
- Store Hours: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm (Monday - Sunday)
- Location: 49, Insadong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
■ Promotions & Events
1. Spin-the-roulette chance with KRW 10,000 purchase – Mr. Maria, LAMY, Bang & Olufsen, RHODIA etc. (Oct 09 ~ Oct13)
2. Free felt shopping bag with KRW 30,000 purchase (limited to 300)
3. Free BT21 tarpaulin bag with KRW 50,000 purchase (limited to 400)
4. Purchase CARAN D’ACHE collab-item, and get a Helvetica note (limited to 50)
5. Free balloon to customers on a first-come first-served basis only while supplies last (Oct 09 ~ Oct13)
※ Terms & Conditions
- Promotion and events are subject to change without notice.
- Gift items available in limited quantities.
- One gift with purchase per transaction
- Random gifts and prizes received cannot be exchanged or refunded.
■ Store Policy
- Doors will open on 10:00 AM Wednesday, October 9th.
- Promotion & event only valid while supplies last.
- For safety reasons, please do not form a waiting line after store hours.
We can’t wait to see you in Insadong!
Thank you.
2019년 10월 9일, 수요일
새로운 혜택과 즐거움으로 가득한
플레이 라인프렌즈가 인사동에 오픈합니다.
고객 여러분을 위해 준비한 혜택 안내드리오니 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다.
■ 매장 운영 시간 및 장소
오픈 시간 : 2019년 10월 9일 (수) 오전 10:00
운영 시간 : 오전 10시 ~ 오후 10시 (연중무휴)
매장 주소 : 서울시 종로구 관훈동 155-2 안녕인사동
■ 오픈 이벤트 안내
1) 경품 룰렛 이벤트
- 일자 : 10월 9일 ~ 10월 13일
- 대상 : 1만원 이상 구매고객 전체
- 내용 : 룰렛으로 사은품 증정
- 경품 : 미스터마리아, 라미, 뱅앤올룹슨, 블루투스 스피커, 로디아, 접이식부채 등
2) 구매 고객 프로모션
- 일정 : 10월 9일 ~ 소진 시까지
- 3만원 이상 : 부직표 쇼핑백 증정 (300개 한정)
- 5만원 이상 : BT21 타포린 백 (400개 한정)
3) 캐릭터 스틱 풍선
- 일정 : 10월 9일 ~ 10월 13일 (5일 간)
- 대상 : 매장 방문 고객
- 내용 : 스틱 풍선 증정
4) 까렌다쉬 콜라보레이션 구매 이벤트
- 일정 : 10월 9일 ~ 소진 시까지
- 대상 : 까렌다쉬 콜라보레이션 제품 구매 고객
- 경품 : 헬베티카 노트 증정 (50개 한정)
※ 프로모션 참고 사항
- 프로모션 및 이벤트 내용과 경품 구성은 별도 고지 없이 변경될 수 있습니다.
- 경품은 한정된 수량으로 운영됩니다.
- 구매 대상 경품은 1일 1인 1회에 한정합니다.
- 경품은 교환이나 환불이 불가합니다.
■ 스토어 운영 규정
- 구매를 원하시는 고객님은 10월 9일 수요일 오전 10시부터 입장이 가능합니다.
- 선물이벤트 조기소진으로 인해 참여가 어려운 고객님에게는 현장에서 안내드릴 예정입니다.
- 안전상의 이유로 입장 대기라인은 당일 스토어 운영 종료 후 해산 조치됩니다.
이제 인사동에서도 함께 하겠습니다!
[ストアお知らせ] PLAY LINE FRIENDS 仁寺洞オープン&イベントのお知らせ
2019年10月9日(水)、楽しさあふれる「PLAY LINE FRIENDS」が仁寺洞にオープンいたします。
■ 営業時間・場所
開店時間:2019年10月9日(水) 午前10:00
店舗住所:ソウル市鍾路区貫勲洞155-2 アンニョン仁寺洞
■ オープンイベントのご案内
1) 景品ルーレットイベント
- 期間:10月9日~10月13日
- 対象:1万ウォン以上お買い上げのお客様
- 特典:ルーレットを回して景品をゲット
- 景品:Mr. Maria、LAMY、Bang & Olufsen 、Bluetoothスピーカー、RHODIA 、扇子など
2) お買い物されたお客様向けプロモーション
- 期間:10月9日~ ※景品がなくなり次第終了
- 3万ウォン以上:フェルトショッピングバッグをプレゼント(300個限定)
- 5万ウォン以上:BT21ターポリンバッグをプレゼント(400個限定)
3) キャラクターバルーンスティック
- 期間:10月9日~10月13日
- 対象:ご来店いただいたお客様
- 特典:バルーンスティックを無料でプレゼント(先着順)
4) カランダッシュコラボレーション購入イベント
- 期間:10月9日~ ※景品がなくなり次第終了
- 対象:カランダッシュコラボレーション商品をお買い上げのお客様
- 特典:ヘルベチカのノートをプレゼント(50個限定)
※ プロモーション注意事項
- プロモーション及びイベント内容と景品の構成は、予告なしに変更されることがございます。
- 景品は数量限定となっております。
- ご購入が必要な特典は、1日につきお1人様1回までとさせていただきます。
- 景品の交換・返金はお受けできませんので、あらかじめご了承ください。
■ ストア運営規定
- お買い物を希望されるお客様は10月9日(水)午前10時からご入店いただけます。
- プレゼントイベントの早期終了により、ご参加いただけないお客様には会場にてご案内予定です。
- 安全上の理由により、閉店後にお並びいただくことは固くお断りいたします。
【商场通知】PLAY LINE FRIENDS仁寺洞店开业及活动介绍
从现在起,LINE FRIENDS将与您相伴仁寺洞!
【商店公告】PLAY LINE FRIENDS仁寺洞店開幕及活動介紹
從今日起,LINE FRIENDS將與您相約在仁寺洞!
[Store Notice] Announcing the grand opening of LINE FRIENDS Flagship store Gangnam and opening events
[New Product] The release of BT21 Collectible Figure Vol.3 & Camping Car

[Store Notice] Announcement on LINE FRIENDS Hollywood LA Store Opening and BT21 Special Events
Thank you so much for your continued love and support of LINE FRIENDS and BT21.
We are extremely excited to announce that LINE FRIENDS Hollywood LA will open its doors as a permanent store on Saturday, June 15th, 2019.
We hope you’ll come join the big celebration.
[Time & Location]
- Opening Date and Time: 11:00 AM on June 15, 2019 (Saturday)
- Store Hours: Monday – Sunday, 11AM – 9PM (PDT)
- Location: 6922 Hollywood Blvd #101, Los Angeles, CA, 90028
- Map: LINE FRIENDS Hollywood LA Store (USA) View Maps
[Promotions & Events]
1. Free BT21 balloon to customers on a first-come first-served basis only while supplies lasts (June 15, 16)
2. Free BT21 gift box ($100+ value) with any purchase to first 300 customers (June 15)
3. Free BT21 sticker pack with $50 purchase (June 15-30)
4. Free BT21 LA postcard set with $75 purchase (June 15-30)
5. Free BT21 tarpaulin bag with $100 purchase (June 15-30)
6. 30-40% Off select BT21 items (June 15-30)
Terms & Conditions
- Promotions & events subject to change without notice.
- Gift items available in limited quantity.
- Promotions & events are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Promotions & events will be valid while supplies last.
- One gift with purchase per transaction. (i.e. one tarpaulin bag gift with $250 purchase)
- Randomly selected BT21 character gift items will be given with purchases qualifying for free gifts.
[Admission Policy]
- To provide a safe and pleasant shopping experience, we will distribute store admission wristbands to each customer on a first-come first-served basis
- Admission is allowed only for wristband holders and wristbands must be returned when entering the store.
- Admission policy is subject to change without prior notice depending on circumstances.
- Wristband is valid for the day of admission only.
- Wristband cannot be re-issued.
- Re-entry will not be allowed.
We can’t wait to see you again in Hollywood.
Thank you.
[New Product] The release of BT21 Collectible Figure Series

[EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT] Celebrating 3 million followers of BT21 official Twitter
사랑해, 자랑해!
Be Proud of BT21
A Special Event for the 3 million followers who support BT21 on Twitter!
■ Gift 1: Offline Store Events
1) Visit LINE FRIENDS Store and show our staff your tweet(post) with hashtags #PROUD_BT21 and #BT21_3Million
Only the first 300 customers will get a free gift + 30% off the product of purchase. (first-come first-served basis)
2) The events will only take place in five stores written below. Please check the operation time and location before your visit.
LINE FRIENDS Flagship Store Itaewon (Korea) View Maps
LINE FRIENDS Flagship Store Hong Dae (Korea) View Maps
LINE FRIENDS Flagship Store Harajuku (Japan)
LINE FRIENDS Flagship Store New York (USA) View Maps
3) Get 30% discount offer for BT21 themed beverages in LINE FRIENDS café. (Itaewon and Hongdae Flagship Stores only)
4) Event Period: ONLY on January 25, 2019. From opening to closing time of the store. (based on local time)
5) Click here to download a customizable image to use for your tweet!
■ Gift 2: Online Store Events
1) Get a 30% discount by entering the coupon code, while purchasing BT21 products through official LINE FRIENDS Amazon store.
2) ONLINE Store: Official LINE FRIENDS Amazon store (US)
3) Coupon Code: 300S2BT21
4) Valid Date of Coupon: January 24, 2019 18:00(PST)~ January 25, 2019 18:00(PST).
5) Products on Sale (30%) : All BT21 products with ‘PRIME Only’ badge.
■ Notice
- Free gifts may differ by stores.
- Event period is based on local time.
- Only ONE coupon per ONE ID is available for official Amazon store.
Please keep supporting BT21 until everyone in the universe gets to know the UNIVERSTAR!
[이벤트 공지] BT21 트위터 300만 팔로워 축하 기념 이벤트
Be Proud of BT21
BT21 트위터 300만 팔로워 축하 기념 감사 이벤트!
300만명의 팔로워를 눈앞에 둔 BT21!
그동안 BT21을 사랑해주고 자랑해주신 여러분들께 감사의 마음을 담아
라인프렌즈 스토어에서 특별한 선물을 드립니다!
■ 선물1: 오프라인 스토어 혜택
1) 라인프렌즈 스토어를 방문한 뒤 #PROUD_BT21 #BT21_3Million 해시태그와 함께 본인 계정에 업로드한 트윗을 직원에게 보여주시면 선착순 300분께 무료 사은품 + 구매 제품 30% 할인 혜택을 드립니다.
2) 이벤트는 아래 5개 매장에서만 진행됩니다. 방문 전 운영 시간과 위치를 확인해주세요.
라인프렌즈 플래그십 스토어 하라주쿠(일본): 지도 보기
3) 한국 이태원, 홍대 스토어 카페에서 BT21 음료를 주문하시면 30% 할인 혜택을 드립니다.
4) 이벤트 기간: 2019년 1월 25일 하루, 스토어 오픈 시간 ~ 영업 종료 시간 (현지 시각 기준)
5) 커스터마이징용 이미지 다운로드 받기 (클릭)
■ 선물2: 온라인 스토어 혜택
1) 라인프렌즈 아마존 공식 스토어에서 BT21 제품을 구매하실 때, 쿠폰 코드를 입력하시면 30% 할인 혜택을 드립니다.
2) 진행 매장: 라인프렌즈 아마존 공식 스토어(미국)
3) 쿠폰 코드: 300S2BT21
4) 쿠폰 사용 기간: 2019년 1월 24일 18:00 (PST) ~ 2019년 1월 25일 18:00 (PST)
5) 할인 대상: ‘PRIME Only’ 뱃지가 달린 BT21 제품
■ 유의사항
- 매장별 사은품이 다를 수 있습니다.
- 행사 기간은 현지 시각 기준입니다.
- 아마존 공식 스토어의 할인 쿠폰은 ID당 1장만 사용 가능합니다.
우주 최고의 스타로 성장하고 있는 BT21의 매력이 온 세상을 뒤덮는 그 날까지 계속 지켜봐 주세요!
[イベントのお知らせ] BT21、Twitter300万フォロワー達成記念イベント
Be Proud of BT21
感謝の気持ちを込めてLINE FRIENDSストアよりスペシャルプレゼントをお届けします!
■ プレゼントその1:オフラインストアの特典
1)LINE FRIENDSストアにて、お客様ご自身のアカウントから#PROUD_BT21 #BT21_3Millionのハッシュタグをつけて投稿したツイートを従業員に見せていただくと、先着300名様に無料プレゼント贈呈+お買い求めのBT21商品を30%割引いたします。
LINE FRIENDSフラッグシップストア梨泰院(韓国):マップで見る
LINE FRIENDSフラッグシップストア弘大(韓国):マップで見る
LINE FRIENDSフラッグシップストア原宿(日本):マップで見る
LINE FRIENDSフラッグシップストアニューヨーク(米国):マップで見る
LINE FRIENDSポップアップストアLA(米国):マップで見る
4)イベント期間:2019年1月25日の1日間、ストアの営業開始時間~営業終了時間 *現地時間基準
■ プレゼントその2:オンラインストアの特典
1)LINE FRIENDSのAmazon公式ストアにてBT21の商品をお買い求めの際にクーポンのコードを入力していただくと、30%割引いたします。
2)実施ストア:LINE FRIENDS Amazon公式ストア(米国)
4)クーポンの使用期間:2019年1月24日18:00 (PST)~2019年1月25日18:00 (PST)
5)割引対象:「PRIME Only」バッジ付きのBT21商品
■ ご注意
- 店舗によってプレゼントが異なることがあります。
- イベント期間は現地時間を基準といたします。店舗へご来店される場合は、営業時間を事前にご確認ください。
- Amazon公式ストアの割引クーポンはIDあたり1枚のみお使いいただけます。
[原宿ストア告知] BT21、Twitter300万フォロワー達成記念イベント当日運営のご案内
[Store Notice] Launching of ROY6 at LINE FRIENDS NYC store on Nov 17, 2018
All the Roy Wang (王源) fans out there! Get excited!
Roy6 created by Roy Wang is coming to NYC!
We are so thrilled to announce the exclusive launch of ROY6 at LINE FRIENDS store in Times Square.
Join the big celebration on November 17, 2018.
About ROY6
ROY6 is a character brand created by Chinese Pop-music artist Roy Wang, in collaboration with global character brand, LINE FRIENDS.
As the first FRIENDS CREATORS project in China, Roy Wang participated in every step, starting from initial sketches and storytelling to product planning.
For more information, please visit our website at:
[Time& Venue]
- Opening Date and Time: 10 am on November 17, 2018
- Location: LINE FRIENDS New York Times Square store (1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036)
- Map:
[Admission Policy]
- On a First-come, First-served basis.
- Quantity limits may apply on ROY6 purchase depending on the availability of the products.
- Admission policy is subject to change depending on the circumstances.
[Opening Day Promotion]
- On the opening day, one ROY6 Balloon will be given on a First-come, First-served basis.
- One ROY6 Character Poster signed by Roy Wang will be given to all customers who purchase ROY6 products.
- One random ROY6 Character Tattoo Sticker will be given with any purchase.
- The promotion will remain effective while the gifts last.
Look forward to meeting you at the Launching event of Roy6 in NYC.
[Store Notice] Announcement on the opening of LINE FRIENDS Pop-up Store in Los Angeles and BT21 product sales.
Thank you for your continuous love and support for LINE FRIENDS and BT21.
We are pleased to announce that the first LINE FRIENDS Pop-up store in the west coast will open in Hollywood, LA on the 27thJuly, 2018.
[Entrance & Operation]
- Opening Date & Hour: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM(PST) on July 27, 2018
- Location: 6922 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028
**Except the store opening day, the store operation hours are Mon-Sun 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM(PST)
[Admission Policy]
- To provide a safe environment and pleasant experience, we will distribute a store admission ticket to each customer on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Admission policy is subject to change depending on the circumstances.
- Admission is ONLY allowed for the ticket holders and the ticket must be returned before entering the store.
- The ticket will be distributed 2 hours prior to the opening to minimize the potential risk of an extreme crowd. Please do not arrive any earlier.
- The ticket is valid for the day of the admission only.
- Quantity limits may apply on BT21 purchase depending on the availability of the products.
- The ticket CANNOT be re-issued, and counterfeit or piracy is not allowed.
- Re-entry will not be allowed.
[Opening Day Promotion & Events]
- On the opening day, one BT21 Balloon will be given to all ticket holders in the line-up.
- One random BT21 Character Poster will be given to all customers who purchase BT21 products.
- The promotion will remain effective while the gifts last.
We will do our best to provide customers with fun and happiness.
Thank you.
Information on Brand New BT21 Series Merchandise Sales
Dear Customers:
We are grateful for your ongoing support of LINE
will formally launch the widely acclaimed BT21 product series in Taiwan at
11:00am, July 5th, 2018, exclusively at LINE FRIENDS CAFE &
STORE in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi A11.
Due to the popular responses received of BT21
product series sold in other cities around the world, we plan to sell as a
limited time offer, with limited supplies. Please read the terms and conditions
carefully for all purchases relating to BT21 listed below. In order for our
customers to have a pleasant shopping experience in a safe environment without
too much crowd, rules regarding to entry and session time will apply. Customers will be asked to line up at specified
location, and a limited quantity of tickets and a limited line-up gift will be issued
to keep the number of entries controlled.
Customers must have a “BT21 Shopping Area Ticket” in order to enter, in
an orderly manner as per instructed by site staff. The“BT21 Shopping Area Ticket” will be issued
according to the rules listed below:
For Fans and
Customers of BT21:
BT21 Area Entry
and Shopping Arrangement (Taiwan-only Limited
Packages will be available between 5th and 9th of July)
Date: July 5th , 2018 (Thursday) to July 9th , 2018 (Monday)
Session time: starting at 11:00am, each session is 30 minutes. The total
shopping time is 20 minutes (including entry and checkout). Adjustments to entry and shopping time will be made according to actual
Daily customer limit: Estimated 300 people, adjustments to entry will be made according to actual situation.
“BT21 Shopping Area Ticket” issuance
time: 9am daily near the North Entrance at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi A11 (Near LINE
Shopping Area Ticket”: each ticket is valid for one person, one ticket is
issued per customer, no additional ticket will be given. No ticket will be
issued for children under 140cm of height. The Entry Ticket will not be issued
before 9am, July 5th. To avoid potential risks and disturbance of
orders and other customers, we strongly advise no queuing outside of the A11
building at evening of July 4th.
Terms and conditions for BT21 merchandise:
1. For
“Taiwan-only Limited Package”, each ticket is limited to buying two of any characters
(each package comprises one 42-cm cushion, a passport case, a gel pen, a plush
head key chain, and a B5 notebook). 400
Limited Packages are available per day. The quantities of each character are
subject to availability. No additional Limited Package will be offered on the
day once the Limited Package are sold out.
2. Up to eight BT21 cushions(available
in 30cm and 42cm sizes) can be purchased with each ticket, with no repeats of
each character of the same size. (For
example: a ticket holder may purchase
one 30cm TATA cushion and one 42cm TATA cushion, but a ticket holder may not
purchase two 30cm TATA cushion. )
3. Other than limitations stated above,
a ticket holder may purchase up to eight items of each product category, with
no more than three of the same character
for that given category. The total purchase must not exceed 50 items (excluding
Package and cushions) (For example, for pens, a ticket holder may
choose to buy 3 of TATA, 3 of RJ, and 2 of CHIMMY, which amounts to a total of
8 pens)
4. Up to five
BT21 plastic bags can be purchased with each ticket.
5. All merchandise is in limited
quantities, only while supplies last.
6. Each visit to BT21 area must be finished according
to the limited shopping time and date as specified on the ticket. Failure to
comply the given date is considered abandonment. Ticket holders must be present at the waiting
area (located at the North Entrance of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi A11), where
our site staff will call out numbers in order, with no exceptions given to
entry rules. Adjustments to entry of daily customer will be made
according to actual situation.
7. The BT21 Entry Ticket must be shown and submitted
to the register clerk during checkout.
The ticket is invalid for purchase if lost or unrecognizable.
8. Please keep
the environment tidy and low of noise during this period. Customers must follow instructions provided
by the site staff and refrain from causing any disturbance to other merchants
or shops.
9. The right
to purchase will be cancelled for any behaviours that disturb other customers
or shops/merchants.
10. To protect
customer right, please keep an orderly manner and follow instructions given by
site staff. Do not leave the queue for any reason, or expect to leave any
personal object behind as your queuing behalf. LINE FRRIENDS reserve the right
to remove such objects and revoke the right to purchase or get the “BT21 Shopping Area Ticket.
11. In order to
protect the safety of consumers, the BT21 series
merchandise sales will
be cancelled and postponed immediately in case of typhoon or force majeure. The
latest news will be
published on the Facebook fan page of LINE FRIENDS Taiwan official.
12. After July 9th , 2018, the following sales will be
arranged according to the actual situation with further notice.
13. Should any disputes arise, LINE FRIENDS
reserve the right of final interpretation.
Business hour: opens at 11:00 daily, closes at 21:30, or 22:00
the day before a public holiday.
Queue arrangement: another
dedicated LINE FRIENDS area will be setup for shopping.
Customer safety and a pleasant shopping experience is our priority. We wish for your understanding and
cooperation. We’d like to think you again for your love of LINE FRIENDS. We
shall bring the best of shopping experiences for our customers.
[Store Notice] Announcement on the opening of LINE FRIENDS L7 Hongdae Store and BT21 product sales
Dear Customers,
Thank you very much for your continuous support and love.
We are pleased to announce that from 28 April 2018, LINE FRIENDS L7 Hongdae Flagship Store, our new flagship store in Seoul Korea, will start selling BT21 products.
For your convenience and safety, please kindly refer to the below guidelines;
[Entrance & Operation]
- Doors will be open from 11 AM, 28 April (SAT), on a first-come first-served basis for BT21 customers.
For those who are lined up but cannot be served due to lack of capacity, LINE FRIENDS staff will assist you on-site.
- Due to safety issues, please refrain from queueing up in front of the store after business hours.
- Operation Hours : 11:00AM – 10:00PM
[Product Sales]
- BT21 products are ONLY available to customers who have BT21 purchase tickets
- Purchase ticket will be handed out when you enter the store. 1 ticket will be given to each customer and this ticket will be re-collected at cashier.
- Due to limited quantity of BT21 products, ONLY 1 product per character can be purchased. (Number of available items may change upon availability)
- Purchase ticket CANNOT be re-issued and counterfeit, piracy and other activities may be subject to legal measures.
[Promotion & Events]
- One BT21 character poster will be randomly given to all customers who buy BT21 products.
- A ‘BT21 POSTER SET’ WITH ALL 8 CHARACTERS will be given to customers who purchase more than \200,000 of BT21 products.
- Promotion effective while posters last
-Address: L7 HONGDAE, 141, Yanghwa-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
-Map url :
Once again, thank you so much to everyone who love and support LINE FRIENDS. We will always do our best to provide our customers the best service and experience.
[Store Notice] Announcement : Launch of BT21 Artwork Zip-up Hoodie in KOREA
We are very pleased to inform you about the launch of 'BT21 Artwork Zip-up Hoodie' in LINE FRIENDS Itaewon store and Naver Smart Store.
Please refer to the below for further details.
BT21 Artwork Zip-up Hoodie will be available for 8 days, starting from April 20 until April 27.
Products will be available to only 200 customers per day, first come first served.
We have limited storage space in our store, so products may sell out early during daily operation hours. (Sold out products will be announced on-site)
You may purchase only 1 item per each size.
LINE FRIENDS Itaewon store operation hours are 11AM-10PM.
※ Store locator :
Store URL :
BT21 Artwork Zip-up Hoodie sales will start on April 20, 11AM KST. (offer valid while stocks last)
Purchase is limited to 1 item for each product, per account.
Free shipping on orders of 30,000 KRW or more.
Products available at Itaewon Store and Naver Smart Store may differ.
The above guidelines are flexible and subject to change.
In case any changes occur, details will be notified accordingly.
Don't forget to follow LINE FRIENDS STORE official twitter for latest updates and more information!
We greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you so much, all BT21 fans!
[Store Notice] Announcement of Changes in Sales Period of BT21 products at LINE FRIENDS HARAJUKU STORE
[Announcement of Changes in Sales Period of
Dear Customers,
Thank you for your interest and love for
BT21 products. We would like to express our sincere apology for the day-to-day
changes in our operations and for the inconveniences occurred to our customers.
Today we are advised from the police
authorities that selling BT21 products at LINE FRIENDS HARAJUKU STORE is a
major concern for the safety of citizens near Harajuku as over 10,000 customers
visit LINE FRIENDS HARAJUKU STORE and wait around the area every day. Also, the
Cherry Blossom season will hit its peak during this weekend, many domestic and
foreign tourist would visit Tokyo. Hence, we regret to announce the changes in
sales period of BT21 products at LINE FRIENDS HARAJUKU STORE for the sake of
safety of our customers and citizens.
Please refer changed sales period below:
- Existing
: March 17 (Saturday) to March 25 (Sunday)
- Changed : March 17 (Saturday) to March 23
Please note that it is not allowed to enter
the BT21 Special Zone (3rd floor) from March 24th. Once again, we offer our
sincere apologies for not being able to fully respond to your expectations and
we do promise to do our best to normalize BT21 product sales as soon as
Thank you
[Store Notice] For BT21 customers - Announcement regarding product sales in Japan (March 19)
[Store Notice] For BT21 customers -
Announcement regarding product sales in Japan (March 19)
Dear Customers,
We would like to inform you of guidelines on
BT21 purchase tickets. Please refer to the below for further details.
- Daily limit : 1,000 people
- Draw start time : 9 a.m. -
- Draw location : Notice will be posted on
official Twitter account ( at 8 a.m.
Even if you are in line or waiting in front of
the store before 8 a.m., you are not eligible for the draw. Only those who are
lined up at the designated location beginning at 8 a.m. are eligible for the
draw. Please be aware you cannot draw BT21 purchase ticket if you arrive later
than announced time and number of participants are limited to 1,000 to avoid accidents
with the crowd.
We consider customer safety as our top
priority, and greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We are
doing our best to provide you with the best customer experience possible.
Thank you.